Wednesday, November 4, 2009


According to Wikipedia, design is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system. In the article it states that design has almost unlimited possibilities for what it can be. It is used in everyday life. Everything man made that we see, feel, smell, hear. It is all a concept of design. There are many different forms of design and ways to approach it. My favorite type of design is that function beats form. Simply meaning that a product should work as well or better than it looks. I realize that there is ,however, a place for more form than function, i.e. with art. In this day and age art's only purpose is to be aesthetically pleasing and used as a means for expression. Before art was mainly used to recreate history through the eyes that have seen it or as a visual representation of what some people imagine a scenario could have looked like throughout history. Most artwork that was pre american culture is almost all religious based. I was recently at the Indianapolis Museum of Art and they have an exhibit called "Sacred Spain" which is about Spanish art that was based around Jesus Christ. Art has always surrounded every single culture you can imagine. From cave drawings to multimedia masterpieces like the opening ceremony for the 2008 Summer Olympics, art and design have been around and it always will be, that is as long as humans go on to exist.

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