Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Automobile Design.

Carrying over from the last post on design, is form follows function. The design of automobiles is where this design philosophy is most apparent. There have been cars that have been marvelous (in a manner of speaking) to look at but the designs of the engine, suspension, and similar components were terrible. In automobile design is can be more apparent where the phrase "form follows function" is. Sports cars generally carry this trait better than most other cars. The way that Ferrari designs its cars, it does not just throw a large engine into whatever car they can create. The design of the looks of the car are engineered to conform to its function. They use aerodynamic shapes to create downforce to hold the car down on a track or they create a wide stance for better vehicle dynamics. Obviously there is a price involved for cars where form follows function. At least where every single aspect of the car revolves around eachother. Another good example to look at is hybrid electric cars like the Toyota Prius or Honda Insight. These cars are very aero dynamic to create as little wind resistance as possible. The original model of the Honda Insight covers the rear wheel wells to have less drag from wind catching in the back of the vehicle.

In my mind form should always follow function. Whatever product you create it should form to the original function of the product. The better the function of any product the greater its form will ultimately be. Even if it could look worse than a model along the similar lines of what it is.

To read more on form follows function here is the wiki article:

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