Sunday, November 22, 2009

Light Bulb

I'm a sucker for creatively designed billboards. Plain and simple. The idea of advertising in general, however, seems to be a give and take relationship. Billboards obviously consume energy and space, therefore not being that great for the environment. On the other hand environmentalists can also use advertising for their own needs. Advertisements help get ideas out and words across to the public. Where do you draw the line for what is better? It goes like the old saying, "you have to break an egg to make an omelet." Is it alright then to use perhaps billboard or television advertising for greener purposes but at that heart you are in fact helping to waste electricity and energy that could be put to better uses. This billboard is condoning the use of electricity and resources to get across the idea to use electricity more effectively. Eskom makes a valid argument showing that they don't need to use all of the space or electricity on this billboard to get their point across and that you can use less lights or electricity in general to get your work done or whatever it is you are doing. Do I think that this form of advertising for a greater cause is okay? Yeah I think so, sometimes one egg can mean a greater omelet for all of us.

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