Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tesla Roadster

This is the car that gave the hippie mobiles like the honda insight and toyota prius a bad name. (as bad a name as an electric hybrid can have) This is the Tesla Roadster, an all electric sports car. This car does zero to sixty in 4 seconds, can reach 130 MPH and can get you 250 miles on a single charge. Which translates into 135 mpg. This car has a very sleek design, to match the power and performance that it can put out. The great design of this car is that it took something as boring and mundane as electric cars and made it fun. With this car you won't feel bad to trade in your sports car for a hybrid. This car is truly outstanding and in the words of Tesla CEO "The world looked at electric cars as necessary evils, the problem is the cars just sucked"

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