Thursday, December 17, 2009


This will be my last post about design. There are no pictures needed for what type of design I am going to talk about because you cannot quite capture the new world's culture. This is not design as thought of like the color of a room, or the lines on a car. This is design based on the world that we live in. The design of our lives and what our culture is currently creating. One of the meanings of the word design is organization or structure of formal elements in a work of art; composition. That is the meaning when you use the word as a noun. Design in general. What about the design of our world? The world itself is a work of art or a canvas that we are all currently painting. I feel that we almost had it ruined but, with the current green movement we are pushing back the end. This is a piece of art that will never be finish but, will always be added too. One idea of design I'd like to touch on is the design of our convergence culture. In the last few product designs I talked about they were about video conferencing in your bedroom without a computer or watching movies on your television from just one box and without the need of tangible DVDs. This design is based on the world as being connected everywhere. The world is quickly coming together as one culture and products like these are the reasons that it is coming together. The less products we have to buy to be able to communicate with our families at home or friends across the sea, the more we will adapt to those new products. This will change the design of our lives completely. The difference in this design is that there is no end goal. Nobody knows what the design of our lives or our culture will turn out to be because by the time we realize it our culture has already changed and we are simply reading history. I find the critique of this design 1. very hard and 2. completely astounding. The thought of every persons culture being able to be one with everyone is great, and hopefully will lead to greater dreams that we could ever begin to imagine. I like the fact that technology will help bring the world closer together, when you shorten those borders between two cultures you open up your eyes to see that they are the same as you and I. This is the one design that needs no change.

I feel that this is what I have been self educating myself about, not different ways to design products but where those designs are taking us as a culture. It may be because of what I chose to discuss and analyze as designs which were mainly gadgets but I feel that is what a lot of the world is today. You can educate yourself on architecture, paintings, or furniture. Whatever you choose but, I feel that I got the most education out of learning about new products and the lengths designers are going to just to create products that we "need." While doing these blogs I never felt like I was learning about much but, as a reflection I feel like I have figured out how we are becoming just one culture and converging all our ideas and beliefs into one.

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