Thursday, December 17, 2009


This will be my last post about design. There are no pictures needed for what type of design I am going to talk about because you cannot quite capture the new world's culture. This is not design as thought of like the color of a room, or the lines on a car. This is design based on the world that we live in. The design of our lives and what our culture is currently creating. One of the meanings of the word design is organization or structure of formal elements in a work of art; composition. That is the meaning when you use the word as a noun. Design in general. What about the design of our world? The world itself is a work of art or a canvas that we are all currently painting. I feel that we almost had it ruined but, with the current green movement we are pushing back the end. This is a piece of art that will never be finish but, will always be added too. One idea of design I'd like to touch on is the design of our convergence culture. In the last few product designs I talked about they were about video conferencing in your bedroom without a computer or watching movies on your television from just one box and without the need of tangible DVDs. This design is based on the world as being connected everywhere. The world is quickly coming together as one culture and products like these are the reasons that it is coming together. The less products we have to buy to be able to communicate with our families at home or friends across the sea, the more we will adapt to those new products. This will change the design of our lives completely. The difference in this design is that there is no end goal. Nobody knows what the design of our lives or our culture will turn out to be because by the time we realize it our culture has already changed and we are simply reading history. I find the critique of this design 1. very hard and 2. completely astounding. The thought of every persons culture being able to be one with everyone is great, and hopefully will lead to greater dreams that we could ever begin to imagine. I like the fact that technology will help bring the world closer together, when you shorten those borders between two cultures you open up your eyes to see that they are the same as you and I. This is the one design that needs no change.

I feel that this is what I have been self educating myself about, not different ways to design products but where those designs are taking us as a culture. It may be because of what I chose to discuss and analyze as designs which were mainly gadgets but I feel that is what a lot of the world is today. You can educate yourself on architecture, paintings, or furniture. Whatever you choose but, I feel that I got the most education out of learning about new products and the lengths designers are going to just to create products that we "need." While doing these blogs I never felt like I was learning about much but, as a reflection I feel like I have figured out how we are becoming just one culture and converging all our ideas and beliefs into one.

iRiver Wave Home

And just when you think you would have no reason to make calls without the assist of a computer anymore iRiver creates the Wave Home. This is an all in one hub that allows you to make calls over the internet, stream music from your computer, and video conference. There was a past thought that everyone wanted to hide their unsightly electronics with all their cords and ugly chunky designs. The day of that thought is now gone. The iRiver is very sleek and would work on any desk, in any room. The simple look and minimal design allows you to place it in places you wouldn't usually associate technology. Like the nightstand or kitchen perhaps. The goal of this device is to bring the connected world deeper into the home, and it is succeeding. Say hello to the future Mr. Jetson.


The Vudu has been around for a couple of years but, it is a great sensation. It basically battles Netflix but, it has a certain advantage. No monthly fees. For those of you that do not know Vudu is an Internet connected 1080p high definition movie player. It lets you download movies for 24 hours at a time to rent and watch them. It also has access to Pandora, flickr, and YouTube all for a small price. It also has the capability to store movies that you can purchase separately. As far as the design of function this one device is bringing what your computer can already do to your tv, and its doing it better than anyone else. The design is very stylish yet simple. The box is small enough to fit along side your other television peripherals but, pretty soon you won't even need a DVD player or blu ray player as the vudu will take over that spot. So say goodbye to your tangible DVD collection and say hello to the vudu.


At first glance this may look like any other Sony Vaio laptop. It is in fact a lot different. This Sony Vaio's shell is comprised entirely of Carbon Fiber and weighs in with the battery at less than 3 pounds. It is also only an inch thick. Seems pretty incredible. I love almost anything made out of carbon fiber, if you can make something stronger and lighter at the same time then why not? This laptop is created using cutting edge technology. It has a battery capable of watching dvds for 4 hours. The laptop is also equipped with a fingerprint reader, webcam, and an instant mode that allows you to play media without fully starting windows. This design can be describe in one word, Versatile.

Electric Assist Is Not Just For Cars Anymore.

I am a bit of a bike hobbyist/aficionado, builder/collector. I currently own around 6 bikes, which might not sound like a lot but it is when you live in a one bedroom apartment on the third floor of a small building with no bike racks. I am currently more of a fixed gear type of rider but this bike caught my attention. It looks like a classic schwinn which has already won me over in the looks department. It is rocking the classic schwinn fenders and 21 speeds. Something else different than most other bikes is that it also has a battery on it. This electric driven bike has a "plug n'drive" system on it. This system basically has pedal assist for those riding it. I really like the idea and I know builders have been putting small electric motors on their bikes for years. I'm glad its getting more mainstream.

Yamaha Surround

In the New Media major we talk about all the elements that go into a project, as much as it is visual it is audio too. Surround sound is obviously a must for any audiophile but I am picky about designs of speakers. I hate the idea of having 7 speakers and a sub woofer with cords dangling all around my apartment, well Yamaha has thought of an idea to fix that. This is the Yamaha YSP-3000 surround sound system. The design is very sleek and low profile, unlike bulky surround systems before. The way that this works with only one large box is that the Yamaha YSP-3000 has a sound projecter and IntelliBeam technologies that allow it to read your room and then bounce signals off the walls to replicate a multi speaker setup. If it looks good and is even more functional than just the aesthetic department, I will like it and this speaker system does just that. Looks good and sounds even better.

Stackable Bowls

The stackable bowl system is a design created by Ferran Adria. It features 7 bowls that can be used for a number of kitchen tasks. From mixing to straining to serving, this space saving system does it all. I like it because it comes in a very stylish space saving design. It beats those plastic bowls that you're using now to do all the same tasks and waste all of your cabinet space on. The reason I don't like it is because it costs $350 for 7 bowls. Seems a little outrageous. When space saving is cost effective that is when I will jump on the band wagon, until then I will just look and appreciate good design mixed with good materials.

Block Clock.

There must be a million different designs of clocks, from analog to digital, cuckoo to grandfather, watch to cell phone. It doesn't matter who you are everyone needs to know what time it is at some point in the day. The Block LED clock from area ware allows you to arrange the clock in any way that you would want. I like the fact that you can arrange the numbers in a different way or perhaps stack them. This desk clock gives you the ability to change a mundane clock into something more fun. You could arrange it every day according to your mood. The design idea behind these to begin with is simple, just plain black blocks with large red LED numbers. I enjoy the design and simplicity as well as the function.

Dart Hooks

You may look at this picture and wonder what I feel the great design aspect is of darts sticking into the wall? Is there some subtle meaning? Are these really just darts? No, they are in fact not just darts. These are the Dart coat hangers. They simply screw into the wall and allow your favorite bar past time to be part of your everyday life by hanging your coat on them. I like the idea of incorporating real elements from something else and making them functional for another purpose, these are obviously beefier than normal playing darts. Made to hold up even the heaviest coats. The stainless look makes them good for an decor, especially in a bar itself.

Cornered Lamp

This lamp made its debut in 2006 and I am really surprised that it took this long for something this simple and effective to hit consumer shelves. This lamp created by designer Roberto Cardenas basically just quartered a lamp. The purpose of this design is so that it can fit snuggly into the corner of a room. Thus making this the most efficient standing lamp. I absolutely love it. There have been so many times I feel like I'm wasting space by trying to fit a round lamp in a 90 degree corner, logically it just shouldn't go there, but Cardenas solved that problem. This lamp can also free stand meaning it can look cool in the middle of the room to. It's modern design makes it a must for almost any decor. for more info.

Tesla Roadster

This is the car that gave the hippie mobiles like the honda insight and toyota prius a bad name. (as bad a name as an electric hybrid can have) This is the Tesla Roadster, an all electric sports car. This car does zero to sixty in 4 seconds, can reach 130 MPH and can get you 250 miles on a single charge. Which translates into 135 mpg. This car has a very sleek design, to match the power and performance that it can put out. The great design of this car is that it took something as boring and mundane as electric cars and made it fun. With this car you won't feel bad to trade in your sports car for a hybrid. This car is truly outstanding and in the words of Tesla CEO "The world looked at electric cars as necessary evils, the problem is the cars just sucked"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Ting is a company that specializes in making products out of vintage leather belts. You may be wondering what types of products they could possibly make, maybe wallets (they do), purses (they do that too), Floors? Yep, they make flooring constructed from old leather belts. This is one of those branching out moments for a company that can take an old recycled material that instead of being thrown away, they are turning into a design statement. The design process of the flooring is extensive, they are designed and hand made in the UK. Each floor tile is never going to be a like because they are made of entirely different materials. After researching about sustainible materials, I found out there are companies making luxury home decor out of many different recycled materials. From composite and glass counter tops to purses made from old belts, this is part of the green movement into the luxury world of design. Ting also creates pillows and other unique products out of seat belts. To learn more or view their other products their website is

Artemide Mercury

This is definitely the most visually stimulating light I have ever seen. You cannot even tell it is a light by looking at it (if you can look past the gorilla). The surfaces of the pebbles are highly reflective which allow this light to blend into any surface. I'm not sure how much light this really puts out so I'm not sure if it is as functional as aesthetically pleasing, functional in the sense that it puts out a lot of light. It is functional in the aesthetics department because it can blend in with any decor, the fact that the mirrored pebbles are so reflective they will blend with any colors surrounding the light, which is my favorite part of the light. The monkey is sold seperately in case you were wondering, it is not part of the light.

Blue Lounge.

I am a big sucker for random gadgets or products that can make your life easier, even just by making your living space look better. I know the ugliest part of my desk is whats hidden underneath. My surge protector is a mess and I have cables sprawling out in every direction. This blue lounge cable box is the perfect medicine for my disease of ugly cables. It is basically just a clean tight fitting container that you can throw all of your cables and plugs into to clean up your desk or behind your tv or wherever you need. I believe this is a must have for the office. Products like these that just help small parts of our lives are some of my favorite things. This box is small, clean, and serves its purpose. What more could you ask for?


There are probably almost as many accessories for the ipods out right now than there are apps for the iphone and itouch. This accessory is the x-mini portable speaker, you may be asking yourself what makes this so portable? Well, this speaker is only a little larger than a golf ball, thus making it a great tag along for a trip. It puts out astounding bass and highs for what it is. This portable speaker is great for traveling for the hotel or anywhere else you would like to be listening to your music while you are away. I enjoy the modern look of the speaker as well as the fact that it is small and able to be carried around wherever.

Melody Bookcase

It is kind of strange to see bookcases now a days that do not have clear, straight shelves. These bookcases do serve a better purpose than that of just looking "modern." I myself, was question that fact also and after searching around the internet I found out what a good purpose for these bookcases is. Generally on a straight shelved bookcase they can get cluttered and unsightly very quickly from having books fall over or dvds laying around and trying to get them to span the whole shelf length. This bookcase the "melody" bookcase made by Conran will keep your unsightly book and dvd storing habits to a minimum. The cases syncopated shelving arrangement can give your belongings an attractive unstructered look. To achieve this goal it merely breaks up what you can put and where, by giving you options and sizes, it allows you to create a more attractive arrangement by breaking up the mundane assortment of your usual line of books. I love the modern design and the white color, as well as the functionality of the shelves.

Hulger PappaPhone

You might look at this phone and be immediately reminded of the 70s and 80s. It is a retro take on a newer technology, this phone doesn't have any buttons. It does look like any other phone but this is a VoIP phone. For those of you that do not know VoIp is Voice Over Internet Protocol. It can be used with any VoIP service like Skype. I really enjoy the redesign of an old technology. It reminds me of an older maybe simpler time but, they mix new technologies. Usually wood grain and a computer do not come hand in hand but this design of the Hulger PappaPhone brings the two together. This VoIP phone has a simple design, and a simple purpose and it works very well. Sometimes simplicity is all you need to have a clean, elegant, and functional design.

The Helleu

As I have stated before I am a sucker for good chair design. I also love re-designs of older styles of chairs. This is obviously a directors chair, however, it is not the same directors chair that you would see all tattered up in a thrift store. This is the "Helleu" designed by Poltrona Frau. They refined this chair to be more elegant than the metal and fabric or wood normal director chairs. This chair is equipped with leather and steel, making this chair fit for use in a living room setting or in the work place. The design of this chair is very pure and decisive, with sharp lines. If you compare this to other director style chairs you can instantly notice how this chair looks more stable and comfortable. The frame is steel cladded with Dupont Corian, which is an advanced composite material delivering superior performance in functionality and aesthetics, it gives it a silk like touch. This is the directors chair of all director's chairs and is of a very well design. The leather and solid steel frame make this a favorite of mine.