Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Peta pushing the boundry

There is a saying that is "sex sells." This has got to be one of the most abundant forms of that saying. They are not even selling an product, they are selling a belief in not killing animals for fashion. Now these ads definitely get your attention, it doesn't matter who you are or what demographic you are. If you see a naked person its almost human nature just to look. This especially appeals to the male crowd, obviously men are going to look at a beautiful girl on an ad. The only problem with selling sex is that you just sell sex, how often does anyone actually know what product is being promoted when you put words next to a beautiful naked woman, where are your eyes going to be drawn to. I enjoy PETAs ads however, because they are not trying to push a product. They are simply standing up for what they believe in and I think that it is great. They have the ability to capture audiences by whatever is necessary, they have light hearted ads like this advertisement and they are also known for having the human sized packages of meant with naked people in them covered in blood. You capture attention regardless of the route you choose but I think PETA has one of the greatest advertising campaigns there are and it is the only way they will get their word out in a consumer based society as our own.

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