When you think about tattoos you simply think about works of art or memorials that have a symbolic meaning to the person that is getting the tattoo. How often do you think about permanent advertisements as tattoos? For me it was not at all, however, I do recall earlier in the decade people were starting to sell parts of their bodies on ebay for businesses to tattoo ads on them. I have researched a little bit and found websites like www.leaseyourbody.com who puts temporary tattoos on your for money and this article on "walking billboards" on msnbc http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21979076/.
The pictures I posted may not necessarily look like a traditional tattooed advertisement. It looks legitimately like a work of art that someone would have gotten tattooed on them because they could be in love with Volkswagen beetles. In all reality it is an ad for lo/jack. The security company that installs GPS devices on items to help track and find them. Usually used for automobiles. http://www.lojack.com/ is the website you can find out more information on them. They are taking advertising into a whole new level by not just creating a beautiful ad but, also by stepping over boundaries as where you can advertise. It is truly unique. They are one of the only mainstream companies I have seen with very artistic tattoos and all out great designs and that are utilizing the walking billboard. Dunlop tires also had a promotion that if you got a logo of their "D" tattooed on your body you would get a free set of tires. I'm not sure how much those that have the lo/jack tattoos were compensated for their "billboard space" but, I'm sure it was more than a set of new tires. Some people just love tattoos for the sake of having them and if you can get a free tattoo and some money out of it and do not really care what the tattoo is then why not?
The design itself I feel is beautiful, I am are car hobbyist so any type of artistic rendering of an automobile I usually love. I also enjoy tattoos and see most of them as works of art, at least custom drawn ones. I like the simplicity of just using a gray scale and not using any colors. I feel it stands out more that way rather than fading out.
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